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Why Taylor Swift’s reaction to Katy Perry’s VMAs speech is going viral ?



Why Taylor Swift’s reaction to Katy Perry’s VMAs speech is going viral.

Swift seemed to share a knowing glance with her friend after Perry made a suggestive comment.

By the looks of it, Taylor Swift enjoyed every moment of Katy Perry’s moment at the 2024 MTV VMAs.

Swift danced and sang along as Perry performed a medley of her hits, then reacted with equal enthusiasm to her Video Vanguard Award acceptance speech.

A viral video from the VMAs, shared by Bustle, captures Swift’s reaction to a remark Perry made in her speech.

Shouting out her fans and the LGBTQ community for supporting her career, Perry said, “My Katy Kats, who stood by me for a lifetime and the LGBTQ community, who I recognize, I would not be here without. And who showed me that you can be both kind and c–t.”

After Perry cursed, Swift stopped clapping and looked back at her longtime friend and collaborator Jack Antonoff, who was sitting down behind her.

Antonoff then pointed at Swift, like Perry’s words described her, too. Swift started laughing as she nodded her head up and down in apparent agreement.

Swift and Perry, once rumored to have a feud, have publicly supported each other recently.

Back in February, Perry shared photos of her and Rita Ora having a good time at a stop of Swift’s “Eras Tour” in Australia. Then, the VMAs, Swift danced along to Perry.

Both won awards at the awards show. In addition to receiving this year’s Video Vanguard Award, Perry also took home the award for most iconic performance at the VMAs. Swift, on her end, became the most awarded solo artist in VMAs history.

When she gave her acceptance speech, Swift took a moment to thank her boyfriend, Kansas City Chief star Travis Kelce.

“Something that I’ll always remember is that when I would finish a take and I’d say ‘Cut’ and we’d be done with that take, I would always just hear someone, like cheering and like, ‘Woo!’ from across the studio where we were shooting it,” she said.

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