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What Prince William’s birthday message to Catherine really tells us about the royals



The Royal family is not ordinarily famous for its declarations of love in public.

Then again, nothing about this past year has been ordinary.

As the Princess of Wales celebrated her 43rd birthday on Thursday morning, her husband pressed send on the most personal, and telling, message a future king could muster.

To the most incredible wife and mother,” wrote Prince William in a tribute posted on social media at 9.55am.

“The strength you’ve shown over the last year has been remarkable.

“George, Charlotte, Louis and I are so proud of you. Happy Birthday, Catherine. We love you.”

It was signed “W”, the palace’s shorthand for a message written by William himself.

There could be no clearer sign of the impact the last year has had on the family, and no simpler insight into the priorities of a Prince and Princess.

In years gone by, such sentiments would have been shared privately.

Indeed, most of the couple’s birthdays go largely unmarked, other than with a basic short message from the Royal family’s social media page.

However, just as their lives have changed in the face of serious illness, so has their communication.

On Thursday, the Wales family have no public engagements. Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis are at school, with time for a birthday breakfast, tea party and the daily dog walk for William and Catherine in between.

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