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VIDEO: Social Media Lip Readers Have Uncovered Exactly What Taylor Swift Was Saying To Patrick Mahomes While Watching The US Open With Travis Kelce



VIDEO: Social Media Lip Readers Have Uncovered Exactly What Taylor Swift Was Saying To Patrick Mahomes While Watching The US Open With Travis Kelce.

Travis Kelce and the Kansas City Chiefs opened up their season and the NFL’s on Thursday Night Football in week one as they took on the Baltimore Ravens in the high-flying offensive showdown, and of course, Taylor Swift was in attendance.

The Chiefs took the week one victory 27-20, and Swift and Kelce were eager to celebrate the win. They enjoyed a weekend date in Brooklyn before attending the US Open, and fans enjoyed the couple’s outings.

Some fans, however, have been wondering about the couples’ dynamic, including what they say and how they speak to each other. It now looks as though one tiktokker named Jackie has answered that question. But it was more focused on the pop star.

Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes attended the US Open with his wife, Brittany Mahomes, and his teammate Travis. Swift and Kelce lipsynced to some songs together, yet the singer seemed to interact with the Quarterback, asking if he knew where they were and who was playing. Mahomes said he knew the place but not the players.

Taylor Swift Was Asking Questions During The US Open

There was also a moment when Swift took a photo of a couple kissing in front of her. “Kiss… do it again,” Swift said. While handing the phone back to the couple, she made a hilarious remark, stating, “Here you go, that was gross.”

The lip reading was quite impressive, but it doesn’t look like Swift was very knowledgeable about the sport of tennis. She also didn’t seem too thrilled with the kiss that the couple shared in front of her

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