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She was very blunt 😳



Lip reader ‘reveals Whoopi Goldberg’s three-word response’ after Demi Moore asked for photo at Oscars

The ‘Ghost’ co-stars reunited after 35 years and excited fans have all commented on how they’ve both aged ‘like fine wine’

This year’s Oscars seemed like one huge throwback, with fans finally seeing former Ghost co-stars Whoopi Goldberg and Demi Moore reuniting.

It has been 35 years since the pair appeared onscreen together for the paranormal romance film, so seeing them embrace on the red carpet of the 97th Academy Awards last night (March 2) has gotten admirers of the two-time winning Oscar movie excited at the prospect of a sequel.

But as 62-year-old Moore approached her 69-year-old former colleague, a lip reader has given their take on what was said between the pair and the apparent sharp three-word response given by Goldberg when asked for a photo.

It began as Oscar-nominee Moore was walking along the red carpet before catching one time Academy Award-winner Goldberg talking to the press. She stopped in her tracks, called over to her old co-star and asked ‘how are you?’.

That was all rather audible, now I’ll let professional lip reader NJ Hickling break the rest of the conversation down.

Speaking with The Mirror US, he theorised that Goldberg told Moore: “I’m fine.”
Moore then appears to ask again: “How are you?”

The pair then proceed to converse, before Hickling explains that Moore suggests ‘let’s get a photo’.

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