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SAD NEWS: King Charles and Princess Anne are shocked to announce the “sad news” before Christmas after meeting with the doctor: “We are deeply shocked to report that the next royal family member has…” See more below 👇👇



In a heartbreaking turn of events, King Charles and Princess Anne have jointly delivered devastating news just days before the Christmas celebrations. After recent consultations with doctors, it has been revealed that yet another member of the British royal family has been diagnosed with a serious illness, sending shockwaves through the monarchy and their supporters.

Sources close to Buckingham Palace report that King Charles and his sister, Princess Anne, appeared visibly shaken as they shared the news with their closest family members. Although the identity of the affected royal has not yet been officially confirmed, insiders suggest the diagnosis was unexpected and has placed a somber tone over the upcoming festive season.

The announcement came after a discreet medical consultation, where results confirmed the severity of the illness. King Charles, who has been managing ongoing health concerns of his own, is reportedly deeply saddened by this latest development. The monarch had hoped for a peaceful and joyful Christmas season surrounded by his family, but this news has added a heavy burden to an already challenging year for the royal household.

Princess Anne, known for her resilience and steadfast loyalty to her family, has taken an active role in offering support. Witnesses say she has been by King Charles’ side throughout the ordeal, ensuring that the family remains united as they face this difficult time. A palace aide noted, “The King and Princess Anne are trying to remain strong for the sake of the family, but the news has hit them hard. They had not anticipated such a diagnosis.”

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