NFLIga Świątek obdarowuje swojego ojca, Tomasza Świątka, nową rezydencją wartą miliony dolarów. Iga ujawniła, że jej ojciec był kluczową postacią w jej drodze do sukcesu oraz jak istotną rolę odegrał w jej historii osiągnięć

Iga Świątek’s Heartwarming Gift to Her Father
In a touching display of gratitude, Iga Świątek, the world-renowned tennis star, has gifted her father, Tomasz Świątek, a stunning new residence worth millions of dollars. This act of generosity reflects not only her financial success but also the deep appreciation she holds for her father’s pivotal role in her journey to the top of the tennis world.
Iga Świątek has often spoken about the immense influence her father has had on her career. From her early days of training to her triumphant moments on the global stage, Tomasz Świątek has been a constant source of support and inspiration. His dedication and guidance have been instrumental in shapi