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It’s undeniable that Prince William and Kate Middleton are great parents, but that might be partly to do with their strict parenting style. 🔗⬇️



When it comes to being a parent, it doesn’t matter what social status is in play: All kids at some point or another need to be disciplined — or at the least, need boundaries put into place. Royals Prince William and Kate Middleton may be down-to-earth and incredibly loving when it comes to Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis, but that doesn’t stop them from being pretty strict with their parenting.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are making sure their children know the proper way to behave in and outside of the palace — which we think is totally healthy. Hey, for a royal, there are a lot of rules to follow, and it’s better to start sooner rather than later!

We all have rule books we follow (or make up, is more like it) so we can raise healthy, kind, and generous kids. Well, the Cambridges are no different than any other millennial husband and wife. Sure, they have a full staff of help and nannies, but Kate reportedly wants to be as hands-on as possible with her children, which means that George, Charlotte, and Louis will be receiving no royal treatment from their parents.

From throwing tantrums themselves to employing the classic time-out, here’s what really proves that Kate and William mean business when it comes to parenting. Don’t mess with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge!

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