I trusted my mom to keep my assets safe but she disappointed me”. ~Eminem full Story below ⬇️

“I trusted my mom to keep my assets safe but she disappointed me”.
I felt it was wise to transfer all my assets to my mom so my wife wouldn’t get anything if we eventually dîvorced. Surprisingly, before I told my mom about it, a lawsuît came in.
My mom was suîng me for $10-million in dãmagēs for rapping about her in my songs. That was like the saddēst thing that ever happened to me, and I realized I was alone in this world.
Though I won the cõurt casé agaînst my mum and compensated her with the $24k which she used to hîre à lawyer, I completely l0st trust for any womãn. And when we got dîvorced, I didn’t lõse my assets to my ex-wîfe.
Even your møther can turn agāinst you, trust nobody!
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