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#FPExplained: Meghan Markle’s forthcoming series, ‘With Love, Meghan’ seems to be getting no love. The Netflix series, which promises a glossy look into the Duchess of Sussex’s life in the upscale town of Montecito, California, has failed to impress many. Critics have called the series ’tone deaf’ and ‘out of touch’.



Meghan Markle will soon feature in a new Netflix series, but so far, it seems that “With Love, Meghan,” isn’t getting much love.

Scheduled to premiere on January 15, the series promises a glamorous mix of culinary adventures, celebrity appearances, and sun-soaked glimpses into the Duchess of Sussex’s life in the upscale town of Montecito, California.

However, the reaction to its trailer has been swift and overwhelmingly critical, with many branding the show as “entitled” and “tone deaf.”

But what is it about Meghan’s latest endeavour that’s stirring up so much attention—and not for the reasons she might have hoped?

A sneak peek into Meghan’s show
The trailer for With Love, Meghan offers an intimate look at the Duchess of Sussex’s life in Montecito, cooking food, gardening, and chit-chatting with her friends.

Set to the upbeat tune of The Lovin’ Spoonful’s ‘Do You Believe in Magic’, Meghan is seen in the 90-second trailer chopping fresh vegetables, decorating a cake, tending to a beehive, kneading focaccia, and arranging peonies. “We’re in the pursuit of joy. Love is in the details,” she says. “I’ve always loved taking something pretty ordinary and elevating it.”

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Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, returns to Instagram and posts a New Year’s video
Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, returns to Instagram and posts a New Year’s video
Sharing her excitement, Meghan, who made a comeback on Instagram after 2020, wrote, “I have been so excited to share this with you! I hope you love the show as much as I loved making it.”

‘With Love, Meghan’ is scheduled to premiere on January 15, marking her latest creative venture. The series had first been teased last March when she launched her lifestyle brand, American Riviera Orchard.

‘Out of touch’
The response to the trailer for With Love, Meghan has been far from warm, with royal fans expressing their dissatisfaction online.

Many took to social media platform X to voice their disapproval, labelling the series as “terrible” and “privileged.”

“Uh no thanks,” one user posted, while another criticised, “This looks terrible.” A third added, “Rather watch paint dry.”

The response to the trailer for ‘With Love, Meghan’ has been far from warm, with royal fans expressing their dissatisfaction online. File image/AFP
Meghan McCain, daughter of the late Republican senator John McCain, also criticised the trailer, calling it “out of touch” given the current challenges facing the US.

“There have been two terror attacks in two days, major wars raging and Americans can’t pay for groceries. We are a country in rage, uncertainty and intensity right now,” McCain wrote. “This is why the world doesn’t like you, nothing else. Just completely and utterly tone deaf to the moment.”

Royal commentator Richard Fitzwilliams echoed the sentiment in an interview with the Daily Mail, describing the trailer as “an exercise in celebrity at its most superficial.”

“It’s clearly all about ‘me, me, me,’” he added.

On X, another user summed up the criticism, asking, “Who is the target audience?? Women with tons of money and time on their hands making extremely fussy treats and crafts? Incredibly entitled.”

Despite the backlash, many fans are eagerly anticipating the release of ‘With Love, Meghan’ “You have made my day,” one supporter wrote online.

Some see Meghan’s entry into a space traditionally dominated by figures like Martha Stewart, and Ina Garten, as a step forward, particularly as it highlights a Black woman hosting a lifestyle series.

“It’s very hard to admit a racialised woman into that space, and there’s no reason why Meghan Markle shouldn’t be showing what her luxurious lifestyle looks like and what brings her joy,” Shana MacDonald, the O’Donovan Chair in Communication at the University of Waterloo, told CBC News. MacDonald researches feminist, queer, and anti-racist social and digital media.

She added, “There’s a million millionaires out there. Why aren’t people going after people who are actually hurting society with their wealth as opposed to someone just like, ‘I’m going to bake a cake with flowers’?”

With input from agencies

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