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Donald Trump launches new product line “COPYING” Taylor Swift’s idea!



Donald Trump launches new product line “COPYING” Taylor Swift’s idea!

Donald Trump has infuriated Taylor Swift fans by launching a new range of merchandise that appears to be inspired by the Eras tour.

In a viral post uploaded to X, TeamTrump, the official account for the Trump campaign, advertised their new ‘Trump Era shirt’.

Printed on to the front of the white T-shirt is a collection of colorful images of the former leader during various moments of his presidency.

In the middle is a black-and-white photo of Trump with a raised fist, wearing a cap that reads: ‘Make America Great Again’.

The print bears a striking resemblance to Taylor Swift’s iconic Eras tour poster, which also later appeared on her own merchandise.

Swift’s poster saw the exact same layout and color scheme as the one seen on Trump’s new merch, as well as the same font of writing beneath the collection of striking images.

The TeamTrump post urges ‘all Swifties for Trump’ to get their T-shirt from the Trump National Committee website – where the garment is selling for up to $1,000 in donations.

According to the site, over 181,000 people have already made their donations which start at $45 and have in return gotten their hands on the Taylor Swift copycat T-shirt.

But Swifties across the X platform have slammed Trump for his antics and some have even called for the singer to sue him.

One fan wrote: ‘I hope you get sued within an inch of your existence. He’s fixing to be in his unemployed little b**** era’.

Another said: ‘you d******** probably thought you were in the clear because the shirt falls under parody (which it does), but you left yourselves legally exposed by using her name in the text of the tweet. enjoy the lawsuit. and before you try to delete the tweet i took a screenshot’.

‘This is a disgrace of a shirt. I hope she strips Donald of everything he has for infringement. GET HIM!’ commented a third.

One more chimed in: ‘I’m excited for trumps new era, I heard it’s called the “lawsuit era”.

It comes after Trump also recently came under fire for accusing Haitian migrants of ‘eating pets’ in Springfield, Ohio, an unsubstantiated claim that first appeared on social media.

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